About MSS
The Mother's Service Society was founded in 1969 in Pondicherry, South India, with a view to studying and applying the basic laws of human development based on the theory of creation and evolution of consciousness propounded by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
The Society’s activities now include applications to social development, business management, agriculture, economics, education, global governance, peace & security, literary criticism, psychology and spirituality.
MSS was registered in Pondicherry under the Societies Registration Act on October 17, 1970. It has been officially recognized by the Government of India as a tax-exempt charitable organization, an educational institution and social science research institute under sections 12AA(b) and 10(23c)(vi) of the Indian Income Tax Act. Donations to the Society are exempt from taxation under Sections 35(1)(iii) and 80G(5)(vi).
MSS is an official international center of the World Academy of Art & Science collaborating with the Academy on research projects and publishing activities related to economics, social development, international security and global governance.
MSS is also a Charter Member of the World University Consortium, WUC, an initiative of leading international non-governmental organizations to design a global system of higher education relevant to the emerging needs of the 21st century.

Operating Divisions MSS presently consists of the following operating divisions:
MSS Research - The Society conducts original research applying Sri Aurobindo’s thought to social evolution, human development, economics, education, management, psychology, science and literature. A selection of research papers are hosted on this site. Hundreds more can be found on www.mssresearch.org. Primrose School - MSS operates a world-class primary and secondary school in Pondicherry applying advanced methods of early childhood and computer aided education. A selection of articles are contained on this site. For more information, please see www.primroseschool.org. Karmayogi.net - The Society publishes a wide range of books and articles on personal accomplishment, psychological growth and spirituality in life and other topics in English and Tamil. It also published a monthly Tamil journal Malandha Jeevayam on spirituality and prosperity. A selection of articles are contained on this site. For access to the complete collection of books and back issues of the journal see www.karmayogi.net. A detailed history of the Society’s activities since 1970. Officers Garry Jacobs, President Contact Information Address E-mail : info@mssresearch.org For further information or inquiries, please use the contact form. |
Other MSS-sponsored activities Romance Eternal – a website with articles and an expert system for personal counseling on intimate relationships. Tenfold-Sales.com – a web-based personal training program on the psychology of accomplishment. PrideandPrejudice.info – an in-depth analysis of the character of life and human nature in Jane Austen’s famous novel. Human Science wiki – an encyclopaedia on social development, psychological growth, character of life and spirituality. |