Unfailing Success
February 25, 1999
Success implies failure. These two belong to other similar pairs – light and darkness, joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, etc. Success itself is only a partial positive term whose corresponding negative term is failure. We know that life alternates between success and failure. In our experience, it may not even be divided fifty-fifty. Failure is common, success is rare. The individual is finite, while life is the collective infinite. The individual is a small part of life, and therefore his efforts in a society that is much larger than he is cannot result in a greater part of success. The individual can only aspire for harmony with the society and that is his success. Stronger individuals may have more than 50% success, while weaker ones usually achieve minimal success.
If this is true, how is ‘unfailing success’ possible? It seems to be a dream or an illusion.
But there is another fact of life. In fields where man meets with a mixture of failure and success in one century, he sometimes achieves unfailing success in the century that follows. In one century ordinary people are denied even basic social rights, in the next democratic freedoms are extended to every citizen. In one century education is a rare privilege of the elite, while in the next it is extended to every citizen as a birthright and even made compulsory. In one century even the wealthy struggle to avoid deadly epidemic diseases, in the next vaccines offer protection to even the poorest people. These achievements may be the result of advances in technology, new social values and laws, new types of organization or other causes. But in all cases it is people who invent the technologies, change the laws or create the organizations and it is people who utilize them.
Every adult achieves unfailing success in acts that were once a cause of failure when they were young, unskilled and inexperienced. A child who masters the skill of walking achieves unfailing success as far as walking is concerned. The same is true of speaking, writing, eating and many other activities that we master in the process of growth and eventually become subconscious endowments, once we have fully learned them.
Yesterday’s success and failure are today’s unfailing success.
If what we failed at in the past we succeed at today, then activities in which we confront a mixture of failure and success today can become sources of unfailing success tomorrow.
We are interested in success today, at this moment, not so much in tomorrow. Our capacity for success in future exists for us as a potential today. If we can tap that potential, we can achieve the success now that would otherwise come to us far in the future. It is a fact that tomorrow’s practice is today’s thought. What begins today in our conception expresses sometime later in our actions. Today we possess subconsciously the knowledge required for unfailing success. If we can discover and make conscious that knowledge, we can acquire perfect mastery now.
It is also true that what expresses outwardly is an expression of an inner potential. External mastery is an expression of an inner human potential for unfailing success. Go inside, discover the potential, rather than waiting years for it to emerge. Bring it forth consciously and you will see the truth of the above statement.
When the subconscious knowledge is made conscious, or the inner potential is brought out as an outer actuality, the element of failure recedes and finally disappears.
Any work in which you presently achieve 75% success can be taken up for an experiment. Take, for example, the act of negotiating to buy or sell something. Next time, instead of becoming engrossed in bargaining, go inside yourself, examine the earlier negotiations that failed and identify the reasons for failure. Avoid those errors now, or at least decide to avoid them now. During the next negotiation, you will be conscious of your failures and the chance of failure will become less.
You may understand the reasons for your failure, but not have the strength to avoid them. Adhere to the principles of honesty, patience, fairness, and righteousness. You will notice that they endow you with the strength which you earlier lacked. Practice them until you fully acquire the knowledge and strength for unfailing success. You will discover that this is the same process you used subconsciously as a child to acquire the skill of walking, writing, speaking, etc..
This method works only for positive values, not for negative motives. You will be surprised to find out how quickly you can learn the rules of unfailing success in a given field, if the effort is steady and continuous and if all motives and values are positive. Still, the success rate might have risen only from 75% to 90% or 95%, not 100%. In order to reach 100% success, you have to wait until you learn the process of unfailing success in all areas of your work. As the spectrum of your daily activities is covered more and more by this effort, your rate of success will gradually rise higher and higher.
You will witness the strange phenomenon that in proportion to your inner mastery, outer circumstances change in your favor.
Inner mastery has the power to control outer circumstances. In time, the inner mastery collects as the essence of consciousness readily available for you to drawn upon the next time. As long as you refer the next work to the inner developed center of consciousness and you do not deviate from it, SUCCESS for you is assured. By practicing it in one area and extending the practice to other areas, the inner point of reference becomes organised and developed.
He who has developed such an inner center has very little chance of failure in future. After some time, the inner power will act when it is invoked. Religious people may call it a prayer answered and may refer to the power they have as ‘God’ when it is perfected. Those who believe that the world is created by the Divine Mother are prone to call this power ‘Mother’. But it needs no name, as long as one develops that power within oneself and it acts unfailingly.
Steps to Success:
The methodology for unfailing success can be described in three simple steps. Each step can be elaborated in great detail to cover the preconditions, corollaries, and specific strategies applicable to specific fields and levels of activity and individual circumstances of the act. Here we present only the basic outline. In subsequent papers and case studies presented on this website, we will attempt to bring out the multiple dimensions and variations applicable to specific instances.
Regardless of the field or level or unique circumstances, there are three essential conditions for unfailing success in any activity:
- Total commitment: Your decision, determination and desire to accomplish should be total and complete, to the point that it releases the full energies of your personality and generates an overflowing enthusiasm to convert that determination into action. Energy is the basis for all accomplishment. Human energy is released when your mind, emotions and vital personality fully endorse and eagerly pursue the same goal. Where there is inner conflict or hesitation or where you act out of an understanding or accepted ideal that the emotions do not fully endorse, the release of energy will be limited and therefore the results will be limited too. Total commitment is based on total knowledge and understanding of the requirements of the act and the role of both helpful and opposing forces.
- Positive opinions and attitudes: All your thoughts, opinions, attitudes and motives concerning the activity should be fully positive. By ‘positive’ we mean free of all negative elements, such as falsehood, dishonesty, exaggeration, selfishness, jealousy, anger, irritation, impatience, greed, fear, laziness, etc. We are not saying that you must be transformed into a saint or a yogi or even an ideal human being, but with respect to the specific activity you should elevate your thoughts, feelings and attitudes to the highest level of which you are capable. You may be acting for your own personal benefit, which we may term selfish, but you are always capable of considering and carrying out that action in such a way that it does not harm and may also fully benefit other people associated with the act, such as the person with whom you are negotiating a sale or purchase. To be positive means that your energies are fully released and flow out in constructive expressions at the level of thought, words, feelings and acts, rather than getting caught up in inner or external conflicts and confrontations which waste the energy unproductively. In essence, this means to act out of the highest personal values of which you are capable with respect to every aspect of this activity.
- Perfect execution: Make an exhaustive and complete physical effort. Achievement in any field requires an enormous investment of energy and painstaking physical execution. Unfailing success requires that the energy be full and the execution perfect. You cannot achieve unfailing success if your actions fall short in terms of the skill or effort or perseverance required for achievement in this field.
We invite responses from readers citing their own personal experiences, whether successful or unsuccessful, which can form the basis for an in-depth examination of the essential basis for unfailing human accomplishment. We suggest that those who wish to share their experiences describe the activity and extent to which they fulfill each of the three conditions described above. Feel free to ask any questions concerning the application of this general methodology to specific activities.
In summary:
- Human life is inextricably enmeshed in failure and success.
- Man has moved over time from the alternates of failure and success to unfailing success.
- Such success is possessed by humankind as a subconscious endowment.
- All of tomorrow’s actualities are today’s inner potentials.
- In other words, the outer results are occult in inner potentials.
- It is possible for us to develop these now potentials.
- With the development of these potentials, the rate of failure comes down.
- As these potentials are developed in more and more areas of life, the rate of success moves up closer to 100%.
- Unfailing success as discussed here applies only for right values and ethical motives.
- With practice, the inner potentiality becomes an inner personality.
- Religious people may attribute a name to that personality like God or Mother.
- As that personality is a Power, it needs no name or deification.
- It
- ACTS as any other power acts and is capable of ensuring us total success. But the practice must be continuous, not intermittent.