Invocation of the Spirit


When the Spirit is invoked, it acts miraculously. How is it done? The tradition has several methods of which Japa is the most well known method. Mantras are powerful, especially when chanted according to the stipulation. OM is the most powerful mantra. It is called Sabda Brahman. The Immutable Spirit moves into creation becoming the mutable Brahman. It does so in three stages. The sound OM issues at the third stage when creation begins. Each line of tradition may resort to a different method. One sect requires the repetition of OM 1 1/2 crores of times. When chanted with the sincerity and truth demanded by it, OM reveals the cosmic consciousness above the world of the gods.


My writings are confined to a truthful life of integrity as a householder arriving at endless prosperity. Prosperity arises out of opportunities. But man is in the grip of problems.


"Don't ask me to chant any mantra lakhs of times. I cannot do it. I am a simple man working in an office, but I am utterly truthful. Tell me something that can invoke the Spirit which can dissolve my problems that are oppressive." The problem presents as a thought, a nagging thought. Thought is of the mind, Spirit is behind the mind. Refusing to entertain the thought of the problem or to dwell on it will take us past the mind to the Spirit. For our purposes, this is invocation of Spirit.


In a family that is emerging into prominence, one member had taken to drinking and was found lying senseless at odd places. His brother resorted to this method of denying the thought when it presented itself to his mind. It was not easy, but he persisted. On the fourth day he succeeded. At the Club which was the hub of such activities, the members split into two parties and threw out the erring member of this rising family. It made him give up drinking and return home to look after one of the family establishments.