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Series III,



701)     Anger is the force of defensiveness of the impotent.

702)     Shame is the sensitivity of the social emotion defending itself against devotion to the Divine.

703)     Knowing the theory of practice and learning how to practise the theory make the knowledge integral.

704)     Shame is the sensitivity of Imperfection jealously guarding its treasure as a close preserve.

705)     Surrender, to issue the joy of self-discovery should become a sensation, because joy is a sensation.

706)     To appreciate the value of divine opportunity one should fully know the treacherous pitfalls of life.

707)     Forms do not intermingle, forces which generated the Forms do. Form that loses itself to become the original Force admits the higher Force to mingle with itself, creating thereby receptivity.

708)     Man pursues desires, enjoys preoccupation, loses himself in being occupied, chases dissipation or concentrates on an ideal. Surrender is something that cannot be followed by the partial energies of a person; it needs all the concentrated energy fully focused on it all the time. One can take to surrender when it is more attractive and enjoyable than desires or dissipation.

709)     Surrender becomes possible when:

           ±  you KNOW that everything you seek outside IS there inside;

           ±  you FEEL every enjoyment you seek outside IS there inside in greater measure, and

           ± you are certain that every accomplishment you go in for outside is not there but is there inside only.

710)     The body, the vital, and the mind do need rest when they are working against the grain, not when they are expansive in the work. Work that is expansive  expresses the inner spirit. As greater energy is being released all the time, rest is no valid concept.

711)     When opinions are right they limit the scope of infinite consciousness; when they are wrong they constrain the finite consciousness.

712)     To serve selfishness is worse than being selfish because this service issues out of the servility of a selfish person.

713)     The greatest of delights God has conceived of was Self-Discovery having given himself up in surrender that is forgetfulness.

714)     The greatest of delights Man can seek is by the exercise of his whole being which is centred in his motive. Something greater than that is to surrender its exercise in favour of being possessed by That to which this surrender is made.

715)     The greatest effectivity or accomplishment is determined by the height of conscious awareness expressed in action. The Absolute is open to us to be aware of.

716)     The end result, the accomplishment is a pyramid. Its base is the endowment of the personality composed of inheritance, upbringing and self-acquirement. Its height is fixed by the personal effort. The result emerges in the social atmosphere that permits.

717)     When we accept Mother as final, we have a way of making our acceptance final. Surrender begins when that reverses.

718)     A source of enjoyment when it is willing and expands its capacity to give joy in the process of enjoying makes the finite life one of infinite vitality. That happens when the psychic surfaces.

719)     There are two facets in man’s life, one which he cherishes himself unseen and the other he cherishes to be seen. They are either opposite or different. In the measure they become one, the height of his accomplishment rises.

720)     In practice, one can look back on his deathbed, what he has achieved was really his subconscious ambition or aspiration.

721)     Enjoyment physically overflows on the eve of death showing death is not a painful event for the being. Maybe it is so for the body.

722)     Only a higher part in us can accept Mother easily. Mind or vital will not find it so easy to accept Her. Those in whom the soul has surfaced can accept Mother.

723)     Mind says, ‘I accept Mother’. It is only words, not real acceptance. The soul’s acceptance is by falling silent and calm expressing joy.

724)     Physiological values disregard the sociological value of men even as psychological values do. The spirit’s scale of values evaluate men from the point of view of the spiritual experience it seeks where all souls are alike. Social, psychological as well as physiological values do not count in that context. In fact, in that scale of values men, plants, animals and matter are on a par with each other.

725)     Men are centred in the vital or mind, some in the body.  All his actions are in reference to that plane. He who wishes to consecrate his actions must first shift himself to the spiritual plane.

726)     Vital, mental and bodily planes act through the surface whereas the spiritual plane acts through the subliminal. To consecrate one’s actions to the psychic in the subliminal plane is not possible as long as we are on the surface.

727)     Consecration begins when we move away from the surface and vice versa.

728)     The Force, if it should succeed at any level of population, should evoke a response from its vital, especially the lower vital and be supported by the physical muscular power even as Tamilnadu was ruled by the vital forces in politics particularly because the brute force always accompanied it.

729)     When one launches himself into consecration, he would accomplish in the next one hour what his entire past did not achieve.

730)     No part of the being is capable of being spiritualised just because spirit surfaced through that part innumerable times.

731)     For a part to be spiritualised, the essence of spiritual experience of that part must collect as an entity and awake itself.

732)     30,000 years can be abridged into 30 years means it will be done so by an effort that is aspiration whose intensity is 1000 times greater.

733)     When moving from a plane to a higher plane, the intensity rises enormously. Moving from mind to psychic and acting only from there will give the required intensity.

734)     The uneducated spectator in the Parliament cannot know the ultimate truth of the constitution of the government. He can even believe that the PM is appointed by the Speaker.

735)     All philosophers who explain God, creation, Yoga or Life are really those who first touch the pinnacle of an experience in terms of which explanations issue.

           Experience First -- Explanations next. Explanations never lead to experiences; they lead to further explanations.

736)     Ego, Mind, Surface, Time, Space, finite all go together.

737)     Intellectual explanations not based on experience can always go wrong unless they are logical and rational.

738)      Logic of the finite and human rationality have a self-sufficiency, a sense of self-righteousness that look like self-evident truth until they knock against the rock of Facts of Existence, known as realities of life.

739)     Great men wake up at such revelations. Other men try excess of logic.

740)     The rock-like ego has several stances. One is a feeling of helplessness, the other is the feeling of being pushed to the wall; the third is a subconscious mechanism that puts it out of your mind. Life, as it is fully organised at that level acts readily in response to take one away from the scene.

741)     It is always a higher knowledge, a knowledge of the soul, a mental aspiration that comes to the rescue, maybe decades after.

742)     The guru who gives that jnana, knowledge, is one who opens your soul.

743)     The event that knocks at your door for that purpose is an event of spiritual luck.

744)     The half-awakened aspirant, who lives in Mother’s spiritual atmosphere plays hide and seek with such gurus and such events by attracting them by his inner ripeness and refusing them by his outer blindness.

745)     Emotion of gratitude opens oneself to Grace when the body thrills at such moments.

746)     The wife who in spite of being satisfied on all scores finds fault with the husband for the one thing that is missing is one who seeks to dominate him.

747)     The wife who lives in abominable conditions and who adores the husband for one strong endowment is one who wishes to be dominated.

748)     Man’s essentials are governed by his inner nature, not even character, but his outer social life is presided over by his behaviour or manners.

749)     The extent to which one’s personal character is restrained by the demands of his public behaviour determines the force of civilisations.

750)     The extent to which one’s public behaviour accommodates his inner urges determines the growth of his inner culture.

751)     External behaviour and inner urges conflicting and compromising determines the outer limits of civilisation and the scope of formation of individual culture.

752)     What rules is the physical organisation precisely indicated by Life Responses especially in advance of events.

753)     Man’s spirit or mind trying to get the better of these physical forces initiates the possibility of Mind ruling over Matter.

754)     At the lowest, fear determines man’s actions that destroy social values and at the highest, it is adventurous courage that opens up the scope for the pioneer to advance the society.

755)     Selfish persons and action-oriented men are secretive. Unselfishness or desire to achieve mentally lead men to be frank and open.

756)     Pursuing the infinite possibilities positively or negatively, man becomes a vibhuti or avatar or a demon; by pursuing both, one becomes the evolving godhead on earth.

757)     No one, not even the genius understands another man fully because he is unable to understand himself fully.

758)     To understand another man fully, one needs to be situated in his subliminal.

759)     What matters to man is self-preservation. What matters to God is upholding the ascent of the spirit which is spiritual evolution.

760)     Spirit evolving towards its freedom is social evolution.

761)     Spirit evolving in the society, rather the universe, is evolution of the spirit which is its emergence out of material substance into spiritual substance.

762)     Release of spirit demands meditation; evolution of spirit demands refusal of meditation.

763)     Meditation is an inner awakening of spirit when other parts are turned off.

764)     Spirit that appears to be the most important part of man’s embodied being becomes the least important when viewed from the totality.

765)     Spirit is the first creation of the Absolute while Matter is the last emergence; being last, it is the more important.

766)     Scale of importance survives only in the order of priority, not in the totality of existence.

767)     Importance is a value of the finite. It does not survive in a field of infinity.

768)     Surface that is narrow and blind is the tip of evolution, not the universally spread subliminal.

769)     Order governed by law is the condition of accomplishment in that field.

770)     Freedom creates a field where neither law nor order can accomplish so that that which issues freedom -- spirit -- can seek its goal of Delight.

771)     Disgust is the non-evolutionary vital sensitivity that is negative. When transformed, it becomes a sense of wonder at God’s marvel.

772)     Values in a sector of society that is not organised are like morals in a refugee camp.

773)     An act can have consequences only in its plane and according to the laws of that plane unless mind imposes itself on it.

774)     Ego’s rule is it should be superior even in receiving.

775)     God’s rule is even in giving He should be anonymous and invisible. Man’s unconsciousness and ingratitude fulfill God’s aim.

776)     God’s intention in the world will be fulfilled when the giver knows the privilege of giving and the receiver knows how God enters him through receiving.

777)     To expect the other man to receive as we intend is the counterpart of his expecting the gift to be on his terms.

778)     Human giving is as much for self-aggrandisement as the receiver’s greed.

779)     Divine giving is to expand Himself into the receiver.

780)     Body’s feeling of death arises not so much by age as by inner attitude.

781)     Work draws one away from rich inner fullness; but, work done to express the inner richness enriches the inner being.

782)     To have inner richness is a great moment; to express it in work is next to impossible.

783)     Trying to express it in work, one comes head on against his grain.

784)     To persuade his grain to accept the richness is to create psychic receptivity.

785)     To do that successfully, one should meet the work personality and wean oneself away from enjoying it or the habit of allowing it to continue.

786)     That attitude is the attitude which creates aspiration, rather aspiration in work itself.

787)     The habit of calling reduces the usual dullness of occupation.

788)     Joy in doing a habitual act shows the habit is deeply entrenched, entrenched enough to touch the joy of existence. It is difficult to get rid of it.

789)     Joy is the surest sign of growth.

790)     Age does not wither the inner devotion; if anything, the devotion retards ageing.

791)     Great expectations issue out of great inner emptiness.

792)     An arch enemy turning into an ardent admirer is a known phenomenon in Mother.

793)     What a devotee accomplishes is possible for every other devotee since it is a principle.

794)     Devotees differ, the Force on each occasion differs; but the response of the devotee to the Force is the same.

795)     What one person refuses you, in time, a similar person will offer to you. The individual may refuse to respond, but the type will always respond.

796)     These are all Mother working through life, not Mother directly in you.

797)     Relying on laws, one sticks to the plane of these laws.

798)     What great projects are patiently prepared over the years, the same man who prepared them can try to execute with haste. The inner is ready, the outer not yet.

799)     Patience can be dispensed with, but haste cannot be entertained.

800)     As resistance drains, receptivity too can drain if it issues out of low consciousness.