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Series III



601)      Organisations are run from a central authority which comes from above and is received as external force. Culture maintains itself from inner sensitivity.

602)      Creation of a social organisation that is self-existent and self-maintaining is the greatest possible challenge to Freedom that is the final law and the last consummation.

603)      The joy the Absolute seeks in Lila is on a par with that organisational challenge Freedom sets itself.

604)      Doubt is the mechanism by which the whole refuses to make the part final. It is like the handle of the knife which enables the blade to cut.

605)      The finite is either in the ascent or in the descent. To be in both simultaneously is to be the Infinite.

606)      An analogy for four levels of knowledge: 

            A knowledge by identity  -- to be a partner of equal status.

            A knowledge by intimate direct contact -- to be a PA and cashier without rights.

            A knowledge by separative direct contact -- to be an employee of the company distant from the brother owner.

            Wholly separative knowledge by indirect contact -- to be away at a distance thinking of the rich brother.

607)      If my husband is incapable of loving me or capable of loving another, instead of reacting which makes me a social creature, I should endeavour to develop new forms of my conscious (being) force of existence -- attitudes -- which would appreciate God’s intention in my husband.

608)      Process and powers needed to move from one plane to another:

            To move from the vital to the mental, senses that naturally react should desist from reaction and report their message to the mind to decide. The power to do so comes from ceasing to be sensation, a surrender of the present propensity.

609)      Life is a field of progress, progress through expansion and cooperation as well as opposition, the last being the widest of opportunities for progress.

610)      Man overcomes  opposition or avoids it. Overcome he must, but avoiding it is of no real use as it would repeat elsewhere.

611)      That circumstance or human relationship which man cannot avoid offers him the greatest opportunity for progress. Partnership, marriage and relationships arising out of duties are of that description. The guideline here is to accept what is common to both.

612)      Reality of the non-existent is folly.  To make that a way of life and even an ideal is complete folly.

613)      Physical folly searches for the non-existent, emotional folly longs for it, mental folly believes in it with fervour.

614)      Folly has two ends, the outer and inner. As long as the outer is followed, folly persists. Turning the light inside, it dissolves.

615)      Analysis of the outer folly has a way of developing it while the same effort inside can help to dissolve it.

616)      In that sense folly can be described as an effort to dissolve an inner faculty by outer method.

617)      Attachment to folly and desire to get rid of it exist simultaneously. So man preserves it inside and tries to give it up outside. Sincerity is to turn the effort inside.

618)      The above phenomenon is otherwise expressed as perfection in one place is not possible till perfection in other places is attained.

619)      The same is seen in the truism: mental effectivity must be preceded by emotional perfection as mind and emotion are in one sense outer and inner domains.

620)      Mind and emotion, the higher and lower, the other man and myself, outer and inner, light and darkness, quantity and quality have a running thread common to all.

621)      He who wants to see THE MARVEL the world is, must first see his own life as a marvel.

622)      HE says man has the incurable habit of expecting everything to follow human rules. By extension, man imposes the rules of his own plane on those who are above and below and generates fertile confusion which feeds his sadness and failure.

623)      Punctuality is a mental discipline of physical work and energy.

624)      What we repeat does not matter; from what depth we repeat matters.

625)      Assassination arises when the goal of the ideal rises far higher than the psychological readiness to accomplish. Wholesome personalities like Nehru do not attract that violence. Still assassination is heroic death.

626)      As the physical form of the lowest and highest member of the species is the same, the FORMS of skill, capacity, habit, attitude, opinion, idea of the smallest and greatest acts are the same. The level is different, not the form.

627)      The maximum of our accomplishment is determined by our willingness. To raise that maximum one has to raise his willingness to take effort.

628)      Rationality is a mental process based on true facts.  People who lie are not mental but vital. They use the strength of their falsehood. Mother refusing to part with the Mantra of Life is a non-mental vital assertion of the strength of truth. She never argued about it with Theon.

629)      Consciousness of one level is organisation at another level.

630)      By raising the level of organisation at the vital level, what emerges is mental consciousness.

631)      Opportunities and accomplishment:

            In the life of one who just survives, no opportunity arises.

            If energy of survival is in excess, opportunities in the same plane arise.

            Such opportunities must be availed of by initiative and conscious   endeavour.

            Higher opportunities show up when one is active in the higher plane, e.g. a mental man’s active engagement in the spiritual plane.

            Between the appearance of such an opportunity and its consummation, the distance is great and it requires to be filled in by energy organised to perfection.

632)      Two ideas are useful to accomplish them:

¨             Collect all the energies that go out into dissipation and which are bogged down in occupation and by a single-minded dedication, direct them to achieve the goal.

¨             Know the highest peak of your positive enjoyment and direct that very same energy to raise that level of enjoyment.


633)      Prayers voiced are always granted, often more than we asked for. The unvoiced prayers, the prayers we never knew could be made were answered in a profuse abundance unknown to human life. Can we not avail of it and slowly come to forget all prayers.

634)      Selfish men do anything only for aggrandisement which leads to human misery. The path to divine happiness is to do anything for the sake of others.

635)      Mind’s energy relating to movements of substance in the shape of forces and forms creates life. This is involution. Evolution is life by its sensation creating mental perception.

636)      Evolution is, obviously, more creative than involution. But involution itself has its own creative phases.

637)      Involution that is evolution or evolution that is involution belongs to  Infinity in manifestation.

638)      That can be realised inside where we can withdraw. THAT can be realised in manifest life, too.

639)      Brahman the Absolute, Consciousness that is the creatrix, Ananda the Bliss, Supermind, Silence, That, Infinity, Being that is the Purusha of knowledge and every aspect of the Divine can be realised either in itself or in its manifestation.

640)      Manifestation, evolution, spiritual evolution, knowledge emerging out of Ignorance are the various names of Divine Will.

641)      To realise that Divine Will in family life, human relationship, in human affection is the highest goal available for the householder or sadhaka since in this view they are not different.

642)      In sleep or waking we are the partial being. To be the full integral being we should be awake in sleep.

643)       Comfort rules over reason to the point of making it serve the other.

644)      The height of joy one can rise to also determines the width of his accomplishment. Therefore the greatest of accomplishments in one’s life can best be reached by seeking one’s joy in the accomplishment or one’s accomplishment in his joy.

645)      A successful idealist looks back on his life with family and friends outside even as the political leader thinks of his jail mates of yesteryears.

646)      Man’s opening to God comes to him as Krishna at his tricks -- sweetness of the aftermath of devil’s temptation.

647)      The first step out of Ignorance into knowledge is the vision of the world’s marvel, an infinite cascade of delight and a sense of fulfilment hitherto unknown.

648)      HE chose the method of surrender because the original movement of involution was by self-absorption. To emerge out of absorption, a self-chosen movement, what was consciously sought must be consciously given up. That is called surrender.

649)      To be able to see complete folly as great wisdom is to emerge out of Ignorance into Knowledge.

650)      Surrender is surrendering the limitation in favour of infinite expansion.

651)      Ego, when it is not pronounced, emerges as nature. One of its strongest versions is ‘It has to be done like this.’ To deny expression to that is surrender for him.

652)      Japan’s honour is the nervous sensitivity of an insensitive nation.

653)      The extraordinary efficiency of the industrialised nations is the efficiency of a shallow culture.

654)      The falsehood, lack of self-respect, total inefficiency of India is the way in which she preserves her spiritual culture.

655)      Without the present social restraint of using only what is one’s own, the world and earth will exhaust their resources in a matter of days, not years. This is the infinity of dissipation.

656)      The other side is the infinity of resources which surfaces when man shifts a degree inside, having denied the habit of going out. The capacity to create infinite resources will reveal infinitely.

657)      What we know as expectations is the expectation of thought. Wider than that is the expectation of the silent mood. Both are small expressions of the personality of expectation.

658)      Expectation is the emotional fulfilment of the insufficient personality. It goes when the personality matures.

659)      Mature personality that is incapable of expectation enjoys the fullness of inner creativity.

660)      Man presently has the efficiency of functioning required by the higher consciousness. Only that it is in limited contexts.

661)      Man who considers  himself vertical on earth is capable of aspiring to dissolve his ego by methods of fortifying it.

662)      Double consciousness starts as extreme opposites in physical reality, opposite attitudes of belief in vital.

663)      Theory without practice is incomplete; practice without theory is imprecise. Practical experience acquiring theoretical knowledge is integral possession. It is Supramental knowledge as it integrates knowledge and will.

664)      The Life Divine gives such a knowledge acquiring which results in yoga automatically.

665)      Such a knowledge reveals the process which the mind is not able to see.

666)      The energy required for consecration is total. Energies involved in occupation, attitudes, habits must be drawn back and given to consecration for its success.

667)      Problems in life come to those fully dependent on life ONLY from outside. For those who have taken to Mother essentially problems always come out of their own creation. It is by going back to old values.

668)      Opportunities do not present in life except as a possibility of completing that they are ripe for. In Mother all touches of life are opportunities to outgrow man’s smallness.

669)      The potential earning capacity of any man is the sum total of the earning capacity of his emotional world.

670)      Increasing the dose is an infallible method. It is as infallible as it is transitory, or evanescent. Disciples respond only to that.

671)      As long as the disciples believe in it, no harm is ever done. As misfortune would have it, some gurus also come to believe in it. It is the phenomenon of the marvel producing a tragedy.

672)      Satisfaction does not depend upon the size of the achievement. It must be one full to the brim at the level of the person and flawless too to be satisfying. Its continuing to grow in any direction -- horizontal or vertical -- keeps the satisfaction alive.

673)      Work executed to perfection lays the foundation in the physical plane for what is accomplished in the consciousness of the person.

674)      One is able to increase the dose when his emotional fabric or physical security is threatened.

675)      The emotional fabric or physical security coming forward to lend their energies to an OPPORTUNITY, it is fulfilled.

676)      Man is what his emotions are organised around.

677)      He who does not have those emotional energies for a great project of his but finds them split among several people around him will become an organiser par excellence.

678)      To create a centre of action in a scattered brain requires an empire builder.

679)      The ingratitude one sees around him is the same he has towards the Divine.

680)      How many men will follow God physically if HE descends on earth and offers an invitation to heaven like the maid of Guruvayur gurukal?

681)       Sloppy emotions are more satisfying than tons of money he himself

682)      Is it possible to be human without the emotion of jealousy or at least rivalry?

683)      The ideal of utter selfishness is physically real and is concrete.

684)      The physical’s sense of reality makes it repeat for the 244th time an idea that consistently failed 244 times.

685)      It is the realism of blindness trying to see.

686)      Horizontal man sensing himself to be vertical is on a par with the mafia leader espousing honesty.

687)      If that is ridiculous, how can we describe the endorsement of the entire society to that proclamation?

688)      Those who refuse to believe in the idea of knowledge forgetting itself into Ignorance better look at specimens of prodigious boorishness believing themselves to be ideals of manners.

689)      The ORGANISATION of life reveals itself as alert events the moment you touch it.

690)       .To make oneself scarce  is the pinnacle of non-existent pride.

691)      The oblivious person is fully aware of self-sufficiency.

692)      Accomplishment at the next higher level does not permit chinks in the armour.

693)      The second level leadership in any pioneering organisation is regretted to be second rate. The truth is it is a first rate cadre in destroying the pioneer’s work.

694)      Fully organised efficient persons pursuing any other ideal, particularly ideals counter to their organisation, become willing martyrs to their own original organisation.

695)      Complete organisation can work only for itself.

696)      Timidity aspiring for the fruits of courage announces its intention to outgrow its smallness.

697)      When small people join great projects, they find their wings clipped as a first award.

698)      A token effort in the physical plane yields rewards in the subtle plane before the effort takes shape.

699)      Service to an ideal is of two types. One is to serve in such a way as the ideal benefits. The other is to be zealously destroying the ideal from inside. Men believe the first in doing the second.

700)      Idealists are anxious to find support for their ideals from everyone who rose to prominence by destroying their very ideals.